Model RTS – Rigidcast Tru Screed
The RigidCast TruScreed Frame and cover is a straight forward designed frame with the added feature of a finishing guide around it’s perimeter. Unit cast directly into a poured floor or can be utilized with field designed and built enclosure. Its an ideal unit to allows access to refrigeration, electrical, plumbing, pump and many other mechanicals. To help eliminate the problem of finishing floors evenly around floor frames we built the need-ed flooring material thickness into a finishing guide angle. When you order the unit with the required offset we provide a perfect edge for concrete finishing.
Covers can be selected from the numerous variety of sizes, materials, styles and offsets. Available in steel or lightweight aluminum and then finished to match any type floor covering
Product Features Include:
- Attractively Finished Aluminum frame with in-fitting cover choices
- Securing Anchors that secures frame firmly in the concrete floor
- Full Perimeter Sealing Gasket
- Attached Flange around the perimeter provides a screed guide for a perfectly level finished edge.
- Vast Selection of Cover Designs, Sizes, Material
Construction Details
Rigid frame assembly to be used with on-site construction pits

Manufactured sizes show. Custom sizes also available.
Width or Length of Aluminum Frame "A" or "B" |
Nominal Size | 12" | 18" | 24" | 30" | 36" | 42" | 48" |
Actual Size | 11-7/8" | 17-13/16" | 23-3/4" | 29-11/16" | 35-5/8" | 41-9/16" | 47-1/2" |
Width or Length of Aluminum Frame "A" or "B" |
Nominal Size | 54" | 60" | 66" | 72" | 78" | 84" | 90" | 96" |
Actual Size | 53-7/16" | 59-3/8" | 65-5/16" | 71-1/4" | 77-3/16" | 83-1/8" | 89-1/16" | 95" |
Width or Length of Inside Wall of Field Form Pit - "C" or "D" |
10" | 15-15/16" | 21-7/8" | 27-13/16" | 33-3/4" | 39-11/16" |
Width or Length of Inside Wall of Field Form Pit - "C" or "D" |
47-5/8" | 51-9/16" | 57-1/2" | 63-7/16" | 69-3/8" | 75-5/16" | 81-1/4" | 87-3/16" | 93-1/8" |
Installation Details
Rigid frame assembly to be used with on-site construction pits

Sizing Dimension
Manufactured sizes show. Custom sizes also available.
Width or Length of Aluminum Frame "A" or "B" |
Nominal Size | 12" | 18" | 24" | 30" | 36" | 42" | 48" |
Actual Size | 11-7/8" | 17-13/16" | 23-3/4" | 29-11/16" | 35-5/8" | 41-9/16" | 47-1/2" |
Width or Length of Aluminum Frame "A" or "B" |
Nominal Size | 54" | 60" | 66" | 72" | 78" | 84" | 90" | 96" |
Actual Size | 53-7/16" | 59-3/8" | 65-5/16" | 71-1/4" | 77-3/16" | 83-1/8" | 89-1/16" | 95" |
Width or Length of Inside Wall of Field Form Pit - "C" or "D" |
10" | 15-15/16" | 21-7/8" | 27-13/16" | 33-3/4" | 39-11/16" |
Width or Length of Inside Wall of Field Form Pit - "C" or "D" |
47-5/8" | 51-9/16" | 57-1/2" | 63-7/16" | 69-3/8" | 75-5/16" | 81-1/4" | 87-3/16" | 93-1/8" |